21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership, Law #2: The Law Of Influence

21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: The Law Of Influence

Quote Of The Day –



21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: The Law Of Influence

Alright… As you know, I’ve been reading John C. Maxwells “21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership”, and am going to be sharing with you each law as I continue through the chapters.

Today we’re going to talk about Law #2 of the “21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership”, that being the law of influence. The second law of the 21 simply states that “leadership is influence, nothing more, and nothing less”. Leadership isn’t about having power, authority, or leverage over others, leadership is simply having the ability to influence others. Or in other words, when you talk, people listen, whether you’re paying them to or not.

So… this brings us to the million dollar question. How do you build influence, and more specifically, how do you build influence in our industry? 

The first thing to realize is that building influence is something that takes time. The amount of influence you have in any given Marketplace will come down to one thing: The amount of Value that you’ve provided that Marketplace. The longer your in the game, and the more value you provide, the more influence you’ll have. 

The truth is that the money is NOT in the list. The money is in the list of people who you have influence with. I’ve talked about this very often in many of my posts, and while I may sound like a broken record, it’s 100% true.

When I was first getting started online, I DIDN’T grasp this concept AT ALL. That lead to me building 2 different e-mail lists over over 5,000 people, yet never seeing any thing close to a positive return on investment on the money I had spent on advertising. Even though I had the e-mail list, I had NO INFLUENCE with the real human beings that made up those e-mail lists, thus leading to me never being able to make any sales. 

Now… to be clear, I most definitely am NOT telling you not to grow your e-mail list. You need to always be building your list if you wan’t any kind of chance at being successful in this industry. BUT… what I’m trying to get at is the fact that you have a list won’t equate to you making money. You have to have influence with the individuals who make up that list to be able to leverage that list and produce sales. 

This brings us back to providing value. You need to always be providing value to your e-mail list through ideally multiple mediums. Blog posts, Youtube Videos, Podcasts, and simple Facebook Status Updates, are a great place to start. Gear these posts towards doing one thing: solving your target markets problems. If you don’t know what those problems are that you’re target market is facing, that’s where you’ll want to start, with identifying who your serving in your business, and what problems their facing that are holding them back.

If you’re in the “Make Money Online” niche, I’ll tell you your target Markets problems: Traffic, Lead Generation, Sales Conversions, and Followup. Gear your content that you create towards SOLVING THOSE PROBLEMS, and then be consistent, and it’s only a matter of time before your looked up to as a leader and authority, at which point you will have attained influence in your Marketplace. 

“Did you get value out of “21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: The Law Of Influence”? If so, let me know with a quick comment below, and don’t forget to hit the Fbook Share and Google + Like buttons right above or below this post!

To Your Success,

Misha Wilson 

Me and Michelle

P.S. Ready To Kick Rejection To The Curb And Explode Your Network Marketing Business? Discover The 5 Lies You’ve Been Told About Network Marketing That Are Keeping You Stuck, Struggling, and BROKE… PLUS How To Break Free And Create A Never Ending Stream Of Red-Hot Prospects Ready To Join Your Business TODAY.  Click Here To Find Out How RIGHT NOW! 


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About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.


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