How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Traffic Into Leads And Then Leads Into Sales…

How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Traffic Into Leads And Then Leads Into Sales…

Lead Magnets

Are you struggling to convert the traffic you’re generating into e-mail list subscribers? 

Are you struggling to convert the leads that do come through your funnel and onto your list into paying customers?

If so, you’re most likely not offering the correct type of lead magnet, and as a result, people are uninterested in opting in, and if you they do opt-in, they’re not buying anything.

I’ve found that many of my students have been experiencing this issue in there own business’s, and so I want to take a little while today to cover how you can effectively create lead magnets that convert traffic into leads and then leads into sales.

To begin…

The easiest way to come up with content for your lead magnets is the simple “learn, do, teach” formula. Learn something, take action based on what you’ve learned, and create the content for your lead magnet using that experience.

The key for maximum effectiveness (as always in your marketing) is to create your lead magnet around one of the core hurdles that people face which is holding them back in their journeys. In the internet marketing world, it’s traffic generation, lead conversions, sales conversions, or follow up. When create your lead magnet around one of those big four you’ll solve problems for your target market in advance of asking for a sale, and in turn will help people on the grandest scale for every single hour they go ahead and invest in your training.

As an example, if they invest an hour in your training to learn how to drive traffic with solo ads and then they actually go out and take action on that training, they should start to generate traffic leads and sales using your strategies. That will create more goodwill and a much higher level of reciprocity than if your lead spends an hour on one of your training webinars learning how to edit videos. Even if they do take action and edit a video the way you teach, it won’t lead to more traffic, leads or sales, and the sense of reciprocity won’t be as strong. They’ll simply have a more pretty video. The more results you can actually get for your leads the higher level of reciprocity your leads will feel, which will equate to them coming back and giving you more money moving forward down the road.

Things to keep in mind when creating your lead magnets:

Your lead magnets should:

Solve a specific problem

Build authority

Help your target market overcome a core problem

Provide results in advance

Create positive expectancy

Make your offer the next logical decision

Once again, I like to focus on the big four: traffic generation, lead conversion, sales conversion and follow up. Choose one problem, and solve it with your lead magnets content.

You also want to build authority. You do this by simply sharing your credentials before you give away your free information, just like you would on a webinar.

If you don’t have a huge level of result yet, the best way to create authority is to create a product. Then you can simply introduce yourself as the creator of XYZ (your products name). You can also systematically create results. Buy a 1k click solo ad and have it delivered in one day. Screenshot the 400 lead day. Thats your new credential… You now know how to generate 400 leads in a day. Then that will lead to more sales which will become your next set of credentials, ect.

Realize though that while authority is important, it’s much more important to actually help people with your lead magnets. If you do a good job solving problems, people will naturally view you as the authority. Don’t hold anything back. Don’t try and save information in order to make them buy. Instead, focus on providing a ton of value, and move the free line. Give away the farm in return expect reciprocity to kick in when people use the strategies that you teach them in order to make sales. This will equate to future sales for you. 

Next, you should provide results in advance. This is going to happen naturally when you go give away your best information for free, but the best way to provide results in advance is to give very actionable, very tangible, done-for-you steps. A perfect example of this would be if you went ahead and created a lead magnet having to do with traffic generation, then you shared the three biggest take-a-ways you had with the Solo Ad Success Formula course. With those takeaways, you could give done for you resources. Teach them about swipe copy, and then give them copy and paste swipe copy. Teach them about the vendor selection process, and then give them 5 good vendors. That would give your prospects immediate resources to out and use in order to get FAST results.

Then when that prospect takes action and purchases a solo ad from one of your vendors with your swipe copy, they will immediately start to see leads and sales coming through their pipeline which will mean they will equate you the success. They’ll realize that you’re actually the expert, that you know what you’re talking about, and they’ll come back and purchase your products, follow your marketing, get on your webinars, and tune in to whatever you’re doing moving forward down the line.

The key to effectively providing results in advance is to make it as easy as humanly possible for them to get results using your content.

Next, you lead magnet should create positive expectancy. All this means is that you want your lead magnet to create a sense of, “Yes I can do it” in your prospects’ minds. Don’t create a lead magnet that’s a 67-page report that makes it look like rocket science to place a solo ad. Instead, give them the three biggest keys to success with solo ad marketing along with some done for you resources. Give them the sense that, “Yes, I could actually go do that. I actually could take action based on what he taught me.” Creating positive expectancy has been linked to increased sales whether or not they actually even do anything. If you can just give them the sense of “yes I can”, you’ll immediately start to see more sales based on positive expectancy.

Last, but certainly not least, you want to make your product, service, or solution, the next logical decision.

Now, we talked about this a little bit when we talked about the Bridge Page Profit Formula, but what you more-or-less want to do is make your offer the next thing that they need to consume in order to get the full picture.

Back to the solo ad example, if you were to give away solo ad swipe copy and a list of your best solo ad providers inside of let’s say a “Solo Ad Traffic Cheat Sheet”, the next thing you’d want to say (or write depending on what medium your delivering your lead magnet in) is, “If you want to learn all of my secrets in regards to solo ads, learn how to track everything in your ads, how to select the best vendors yourself, how to frame the purchase for maximum effectiveness, and how to make sure that every single one of the ads you run is profitable by selecting the correct offer that will actually resonate with your Market, click the button below and check out the full Solo Ad Success Formula course right now.”

As you can see, the Solo Ad Success Formula is the next logical decision. They’ve gotten your information. Maybe they’ve gone and applied it, maybe they haven’t. Either way, you’ve created positive expectancy through making it tangible and simple, and you’ve given away awesome information which has built your authority and provided results in advance. The next thing they’ll think is, “Yes, I need to go back and purchase that offer in order to learn everything I need to know about Solo Ads”. The Solo Ad Success Formula is the next logical decision.

To review, your custom lead magnets should:

Solve a specific problem

Build authority

Help your target market overcome a core problem

Provide results in advance

Create positive expectancy

Make your offer the next logical decision

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To Our Mutual Success,

Misha Wilson

Stage 2



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About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.


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