How To Ensure Failure Every-time…
I had an interesting conversation with a Super Affiliate Network customer a few days ago while taking a much needed “refresher” (a little “staycation” if you will”)…
More or less they were frustrated about the results they had produced when sending traffic to their affiliate links, and were quick to point there finger and blame the system.
They had sent 1,000 clicks, had generated just about 400 leads, and had even made 5 sales in the process…
They hadn’t quite broke even on there ad-spend (or hadn’t broke event yet), and were IMMEDIATELY blaming the system for “not performing” the way it “should be”….
They didn’t want to take ANY responsibility for the result they had produced, and felt as if I “owed them something” considering the system hadn’t performed the way they wish it would have.
When I asked them what they had done on there end to create more sales and increase there ROI (return on investment), I got little back…
“Are you sending 2 e-mails a day?” I asked.
“Are you hosting weekly webinars?” I asked.
“Are you following up with your existing customers the way you should?” I asked.
“Are you creating videos and content for your audience?”
More or less they weren’t wanting to do anything whatsoever in there business, BUT at the same time were looking to create HUGE results and were expecting to magically have money fall from the sky if they just “found the right system”.
They were looking for something outside of themselves to solve all of their problems, and weren’t willing to take ANY of the responsibility when things didn’t go exactly the way they wish they did.
In short, they had the completely and totally WRONG mindset… A mindset that will get you nowhere fast, and a mindset that will ensure failure.
See, here’s the deal…
Successful people and unsuccessful people do a few things differently than each-other that creates a RADICALLY different result over time.
Successful people:
Take the time to learn real skill-sets
Take action on what they learn
Take responsibility when things don’t go just right
Consistently invest in there education
Do what it takes in order to MAKE things happen
Unsuccessful people on the other hand:
Have little interest in learning new skill-sets
Don’t take much action, and if they do, it’s not consistent
Don’t take responsibility for there actions
Avoid investing in there education and in learning new skill-sets
…And in general don’t take the action steps necessary to succeed.
In general, unsuccessful people are ALWAYS looking for something outside of themselves in order to solve all of there problems, and aren’t ever willing to take responsibility for what got them there in the first place.
As a result they continue to spin there wheels, struggle, and very seldomly breakthrough.
My challenge to you…
If you’re finding yourself falling into the category of individual who may not be doing what it takes to create success… If you’re blaming the system, if you aren’t investing in yourself, and if you aren’t taking any responsibility for the results you produce…
…Decide to make the shift TODAY.
Decide to take the time to learn real skill-sets, take action on what you learn, take responsibility when things don’t go just right, consistently invest in there education… And in general, do what it takes in order to MAKE things happen.
Make the decision to make the shift… And the results WILL follow.
If you are willing to learn new skill-sets, action on what you learn, and then take responsibility for the results you produce along the way…
…The Super Affiliate Network is the ideal first step in your journey, as it will DRASTICALLY shorten your overall learning curve, and get you into profit mode more quickly and with less effort.
Click here to check it out now…
If you aren’t willing to make the shift, well my e-mail list probably isn’t going to be the right place for you… And you may just want to scroll to the bottom and click the “unsubscribe” button now.
To the top,
Misha Wilson
P.S. Register for my free webinar now right here…

Anastacia Hauldridge
October 17, 2016This is a great post Misha! and I’m glad you touched on this subject because it’s something many newbie marketers go through. Even I went through this 5 years ago when I thought I had it all figured out. I didn’t need coaching and I didn’t need to invest into myself education, all I wanted was the sales. Boy was I wrong. So glad I invested into myself education and got my ass one of the the best coaches including you Misha to mentor me to success and you know what I’m still learning. 😉
October 18, 2016🙂 Keep going Ace! Glad to have you on board! 🙂
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