Spending Time On Your Business But Not Generating Any Revenue? Here’s Your Problem…

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Spending Time On Your Business But Not Generating Any Revenue?

Unfortunately, this is a problem that MANY aspiring Internet/Network Marketers have. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to your problem that you can begin to implement immediately to start to see results VERY QUICKLY. 

Checkout today’s video lesson to learn exactly how to get yourself out of the “spinning your wheels” stage, and into profit mode…

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So to recap, if you’re spending hours a day on your business but seeing very little in return, you’re simply not focusing your energy on the correct REVENUE GENERATING activities that will produce fruits for your labor. You’re focusing on the “Trivial 80%” instead of the “Vital 20%” that will drive results and put money in your pocket.

Don’t feel bad though… 95% of Marketers NEVER start to focus on the 20% of activities that drive 80% of the results… hence the huge failure rate in this relatively simple industry. Just make the decision to change your ways now, and you’ll be ahead of 95% of everyone else in absolute no time.


Here’s the big 3 you need to begin focusing on RIGHT NOW in order to drive results.

1. Start To Generate 10-25 Leads For Your Business Each And Everyday. This is your starting point. Until you reach this level of lead flow, your business will never pickup any serious momentum.

2. Communicate With Your New Leads EVERY SINGLE DAY. Often times people have the thought process of “Well I only have 200 leads on my e-mail list, what good is it going to do me to communicate with such a small audience”? Now honestly, excuse my french here… but that’s as ASS BACKWARDS of a mindset as you could POSSIBLY HAVE. When your list and audience is small, it means your business is in the “startup phase”. That’s when its most important to be consistent and communicate with your leads.

3. Put offers in front of your new audience. I follow Gary Vaynerchuk’s “Hook, Hook, Hook, Jab” formula. So for every 3 pieces of high quality value driven content I produce, I can present my audience with one offer. This is a good formula to follow in order to avoid burning out your list with too many offers and not enough value.


Focus on these 3 VITAL pieces of the puzzle, and forget about everything else for a while, and you’ll soon be in cash-flow mode barely able to remember the uncomfortable feeling of spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.
To Success, Yours and Mine.

Misha Wilson

Me and Michelle

P.S. Have you claimed for FREE MP3 recording of the training I recently had with 8 figure earner Daegan Smith? If not, GRAB IT HERE. In the training Daegan reveals: What it takes to be the best of the best, how to immediately separate yourself from the masses, the ultimate enemy of focus and personal productivity, and the ONE THING that 3 of this 8 figure earning students, Jonathan Budd, Matt Lloyd, and Dave Wood have in common that is responsible for their results. Grab the MP3 HERE!

About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.


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