The Trump Effect (Ch. 1/2)…

The Trump Effect…



In todays post I want to share with you a vital “profit pulling lesson” that I shared with The Super Affiliate Network group yesterday…

If you take it and apply it, you’ll find that your audience, profits, and bottomline will grow almost effortlessly.

Whether you love him or you hate him, there’s no denying how well Donald Trump has done in this election.

Now, personally I think he’s a slimy scumbag.

I’m not into Hilary all that much at all, but when you look at just how well the Trump has done this election, despite all that’s happened, it begs the simple one word question…


How did the Trump pull off what he did?

Whether he wins or loses the election, in the end his businesses will do better, his following will grow, he’ll have even more loyal fans, and his influence will continue to grow.

His empire will expand, and whatever he does in the future will be that much more powerful.

At the same time, we’ve seen SO MANY seemingly TERRIBLE sides of him.

We’ve heard about what he thinks of women and how he treats them (whether they want to be treated that way or not).

We’ve heard about how he would handle our nuclear weapons, and that he clearly feels we underuse them.

We’ve seen him tarnish a muslim family after losing a child with little to no remorse.

In general it seems as if there’s been predominantly negative press associated with him and his brand.

BUT… He’s still right in there with a shot.

It’s the bottom of the ninth, the bases are loaded, and he’s STILL got a chance to win it.


My take…

It all comes down to 2 primary things.

1. He stands for something “different”.

Now whether or not you like what he stands for or not, and whether or not you like the change that he could potentially represent, he is different, and he does stand for something against the status quo.

In simply going against the norm and not being the usual “politician”, he’s created a category of one for himself, and tends to have influence over people who are simply fed up with how things have been.

Lots of people DON’T want Trump, but they DON’T want what “the system” represents either.

With a little tarnishing of the opponent (which he’s done very well), those people are easily swayed voting for him.

How to use it in your Marketing: Choose what you stand for and represent, choose what you stand against, and don’t be “just another Marketer”.

The moment you become to bland, and get labeled “just another Marketer”, the moment people will start tuning you out.

Stop writing “how to” blog post after “how to” blog post.

No-one really cares.

Focus on coming across as interesting and unique, and focus on making a personal connection with people. Focus on being YOU, and create a category of one for yourself.

2. He’s EXTREMELY polarizing

With Trump, here’s the deal…

You either love him, or you fucken hate him. And I throw the F bomb in there to emphasize that there’s ZERO middle ground.

“I kind of like what Trump is all about, but I’m not sure” – said no-one ever.

He says what’s on his mind, he says it with certainty and he doesn’t care what ANYONE thinks.

Now, while doing that in your Marketing may be a little bit scary and a little bit out of your comfort zone, there’s also magic in it.

Here’s something to realize and remember…

When you’re polarizing, people talk about you, when you’re boring, people don’t.

Look back on the race for the republican nomination.

Who was on the air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Donald Trump.

Now let me ask you a question…

What’s a larger gross number?

50% of 10 million, or 90% of 1 million?

50% of 10,000 million = 5,000,000 > 90% of 1,000,000 = 900,000.

My point… By being extremely polarizing with his message, he got ALL of the attention.

…And while 50% of the people in that audience absolutely DO hate him…

That audience was also been 10 times bigger than anyone else due to the fact that EVERYONE was talking about him.

How to use it in your Marketing: 

STOP creating a bunch of “how to content” that no-one ever sees. You’ll just blend in.

STOP worrying about what people might think if you say something. When you have that question of whether or not you should say something run through your head, SAY IT.

STOP giving a fuck what people think about you, and start voicing your opinion. Make your arguments educated and informative (don’t start talking about how people are going to pay for building big walls when they’re clearly not ;)), but in the end, let other peoples opinions of you roll off your back with a grain of salt.

Focus on being your unique self (there’s no competition for you), and the attention, audience, and profits will follow.

In conclusion…

No matter what the result is with todays election, there’s no denying that the Trump did one HELL of the job Marketing himself this campaign.

Now while there are MANY of things he did in order to get as far as he did, in my opinion, the 2 most critical were that…

1. He stood for something different.

2. He was extremely polarizing throughout the entire campaign.

Use these principles in your “online money getting adventures”, and you’ll soon find that your audience and influence over that audience grows TREMENDOUSLY.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

Stage 2



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About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.



  • azeem diwan

    Reply Reply November 10, 2016

    Azeem Diwan · Teacher Training College Nairobi, University Of New Brunswick
    Trish Pattison has made apt remarks without revealing whether she hates or loves Trump? He openly says that he has achieved whatever he wants by using his position and influence. He is not averse to do the same with the Americans. To me the Americans, at least half of them have reacted like the sheep heading for the slaughter house! Electing such a radical President indicates not only that the voters emotionally can be blinded and swayed to act on impulse rather than reason and logic.
    This I believe is IRRESPONSIBLE! Americans have a great responsibility not only towards their own future but being the only super power in the world today, towards the rest of the world as well. I most certainly agree that as Hillary appropriately referred to Trump ‘ a loose cannon’, being let out is a height of fallacy….

    • Misha

      Reply Reply November 11, 2016

      Trish isn’t an american.

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