21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: Law #1, The Law Of The Lid

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21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: Law #1, The Law Of The Lid

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21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: Law #1, The Law Of The Lid

I’m currently reading John C Maxwells “The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership” and really digging it. John is more or less looked at as the undeniable master of all things Leadership, and has been teaching others how to become stronger and more efficient leaders for over 40 years now.

There’s no doubt about the importance of Leadership in our industry. You could actually argue that it’s the single most important skill to master if you want to play this game on a large scale. So… I figured why not share the love, and share with all of you what I’m learning as I progress through Johns book. Please note though: I will NOT be creating a new post on the next law every single day. In order for me to do these laws any justice in teaching them, I must take the time to fully comprehend them myself. So… while you can expect me to cover all 21 laws, don’t expect a new post on the topic everyday. There will probably be some other posts and lessons about more Marketing based principles thrown into the mix between ‘The 21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership” posts… Some of the leadership posts will be written text, and some will be videos. Maybe some will even be podcast episodes… Just stick with me through the journey, and I guarantee you’ll get immense value out of this series.

So… Lets jump in and cover Law #1…

The Law Of The Lid

The law of the lid is the single most important law to understand when it comes to leadership principles. It’s the law that will drill down just how important leadership really is for you and your business, thus getting you to start looking at and approaching the topic Leadership through a more serious frame of mind.

The law of the lid states in layman’s terms that whatever it is your trying to grow, whether it be a business, a community, a foundation, ect., it will be at best directly proportionate to your current level of skills in the field of leadership. So… if on a scale of 1-10, you’re a 3 when it comes to your leadership abilities, it will be impossible for your business, community, or foundation to grow past that level of 3 out of 10, regardless of your other skills that you feel should push you forward despite your level of leadership.

The law of the lid simple states that there is an invisible lid that will keep your business, community, foundation, charity or whatever else it may be that your trying to build below or directly proportionate to your current level of leadership.

The psychology behind it is the simple fact that no matter how good your skills in Marketing, Sales, general business practices or any area of your life for that matter are, they won’t be able to shine in the same way that they could if you had better developed skills as a leader. Realize that one of the biggest first hurdles in becoming a leader is learning the ability to lead yourself. You can be a master at sales and influence, an amazing Marketer, and a brilliant business man/woman, but if you don’t have the ability to lead yourself down the correct path that will result in you APPLYING all of your skills, and doing so in an honest, integrity filled way, your business, or whatever it is you’re trying to grow will never live up to it’s immense potential. If you’re a 10/10 in the field of Marketing, yet only a 3/10 in the field of Leadership, your effectiveness as a Marketer will be held back to that 3/10 level due to you not being able to lead yourself down the correct paths of taking action consistently.

Maybe you’re effective enough of a leader to lead yourself, but aren’t to the point in your journey yet that you can lead others. That could put  your leadership effectiveness on the scale of 1/1o at a six. Expect your business to stay directly proportionate to that 6/10. Being able to lead yourself is great. It means you can get yourself to take consistent action, be continually learning, and continually growing. You can grow your business to a nice comfortable spot by just leading yourself. But… if you ever want to reach the next level, you’re going to have to learn to lead others (in our industry this is huge). You’re going to have to be able to grow a team around yourself, and then lead them down the path of becoming leaders themselves. This might not be possible at your current 6/10 level of leadership. Your invisible “lid” is going to hold you back from reaching your full potential, and keep you’re business from growing to it’s full potential.

The Law Of The Lid: The Good News…

The good news about the law of the lid is the fact that your “lid level” can always be raised by becoming a more effective leader. The next 2o laws that I’ll share with you out of John’s book are actually meant to do exactly that. To grow your abilities and effectiveness as a leader. The primary objective of the first law, the “law of the lid” is to get your attention and make you take growing as a leader seriously. To demonstrate the fact that your business, foundation, community, or anything else that you’re trying to grow will always be directly proportionate or lower than your current level leadership effectiveness.

The next 20 will show you exactly how to grow as a leader, and what action steps you need to implement in order to get yourself from a 1 or 2 on the scale of 1-10, up to a 8, 9, or 10! So be sure to stay tuned, subscribe, and come back often to check for new posts on the “21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership”. 

Did you get value out of this post, “21 Irrefutable Laws Of Leadership: Law #1, The Law Of The Lid”? If so, let me know with a comment what your biggest takeaway was, and don’t forget to hit the facebook and google + share buttons directly below or above this post!

To Your Success,

Misha Wilson

Me and Michelle

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About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.


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