Coming Together…
In general life we live in an interesting world right now…
More than ever things seem to be geared towards left and right, good and bad… Black and white, republican or democrat.
No matter who you’re voting for in this upcoming election, there’s no way you can deny the severe level of disdain that each party has for the opposing candidate.
No matter what your argument or stance on the matter is, there’s no way to deny that there’s been simply too many instances of police brutality in the last years, and on the flip-side, a tragic and counterproductive retaliation.
More than ever it seems as if the country is becoming more and more divided and the participants seem to have less and less patients for other the opposing parties opinions.
People are pointing fingers, calling names, using derogatory insults all to often, and in general, growing further and further apart on a daily basis.
Then we have us Internet Marketers…
A community that is largely made up of small time entrepreneurs working together to help lift each-other up.
We promote each-others product launches, openly help out our competitors with there businesses and sales processes, spend our time working on other peoples businesses, and in general, pay it forward with little to no worry of any possible ramifications.
Just a few days ago I hopped on a call with a CEO of another company (a dude who’s done over $37,000,000 in sales), and he openly shared with me exactly what’s working now for him, and a few of his exact sales processes.
Later in the year we’re scheduled to do a JV together where we’ll openly work together to bring more value to the marketplace, and then split the profits as our reward.
Last night I logged into Daegan Smiths “Maximum Leverage” back-office and watched a lesson titled “$340,000 for 2 minutes of work, COPY and PASTE THIS”.
When I take a minute and come out from underneath my computer screen I realize something.
No where else in this world (at-least from what I can see) is there any community more more geared towards lifting the participants of the community up, vs. tearing each-other down.
No where else can you go and openly ask for help from your competitor, and expect even a reply to the e-mail. No where else can you login to a training center and have your competitors show you exactly what’s working for there business and exactly what you should do in yours (even with the exact words “copy and paste this”).
…And the truth is, it’s a shame.
When you look at the growth of the Internet Marketing world over the last 15 years or so, vs. the little if any progress made in the white house in the last 16 years (with 2 different parties in office)…
…Well, you’ll see a STARK contrast.
When one community is focused on constantly helping out those who are involved, the other is focused on constantly tearing down it’s competitors to make themselves look more appealing.
…As a result, one community has flourished and moved forward at record pace…
The internet Marketing world has evolved from a bunch of dudes selling crap out of there moms basements into global businesses with hundreds of thousands of happy customers who come back and purchase over and over and over again.
…While the other get’s little if anything done, and makes no real progress worth speaking of.
I think that it’s pretty clear that outside of the Internet Marketing world, it’s time for a change.
It’s time for us to come together no matter what race, religion, political party, or social cause you’re a part of… And begin to help focusing on lifting each-other up vs. tearing each-other down.
I by no means think that I’ll personally and singularly be able to effect real and long lasting change… But as Tupac once said… “If I can spark the imagination of someone who starts the process of creating real change, then my life will have been a success.”.
Now again, I don’t even feel like I’ll necessarily be able to spark that imagination…
But together, maybe we can.
So, do me a favor… And if you resonate with this message, start living by the philosophy behind it.
Focus on lifting up your fellow human beings and look past your indifferences.
If we each take small actions to create real change, and then spread the message virally, who knows… Maybe we’ll spark the imagination that does change the world.
If you have yet to join the Internet Marketing world and experience the awesome community behind it…
Click here to join the movement now.
To the top,
Misha Wilson
P.S. Register for my free webinar now right here…

Anastacia Hauldridge
October 26, 2016Yes! That was amazing and we always been following this philosophy which is why we love what we do.
August 19, 2017Tru I just read and interested a very helpful man
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