Conversions: The Secret Sauce On How To Convert Leads Into Sales

Conversions: The Secret Sauce On How To Convert Leads Into Sales

Quote Of The Day –

Conversions Quote


Conversions: The Secret Sauce On How To Convert Leads Into Sales

I believe there are two stages when it comes to making money online…

First, you have to learn how to drive tons of targeted traffic to your site, and get leads..

Second, you need to know how to convert these leads into CA$H.

Or in other words… you have to know how to turn those leads into money. You need to know how to convert. You need to become a MASTER OF CONVERSIONS!

One of the most common questions I get from people who have embarked on their journey, but aren’t quite where they want to be yet, is… 

“I’ve taken action and grown my list to 500 or 1000 leads, but I can’t get those leads to buy anything. What am I missing? Why am I not making sales?”

This question takes me back in time, because I was in the same situation not long ago…

Actually when I got started online as an ambitious 22 year old, I went and spent my entire savings  (almost $13,000) on building my list, yet made just over $1,000 back from that 13k I had invested…

For a net loss of nearly $12,000!


But as you know, through experience, we sooner or later learn how to put all the missing pieces together.

So… here’s what I’ve learned…

You have to build all of your marketing material in a way that strategically attracts the ‘RIGHT’ kind of people.

Imagine this: You’re stranded in a dessert and you’re on the verge of dying of thirst. It’s been days since you’ve had even a sip of water, and the mojave dessert sun has been at it’s harshest.

You’re on the verge of giving up completely and surrendering to your imminent doom… But at thatexact moment… I show up… WITH A BOTTLE OF ICE COLD WATER.

Now ask yourself this:

How much would you pay me for that bottle of water?

Your answer should be: “Anything and everything I have.”


People will never give you anything and everything they have for the attainment of pleasure, yet they’ll go to the ends of the earth, and pay you whatever crazy sums of mo.ney you’re wanting to charge if you have a product or service that free’s them from a pain.

So… when you’re creating your facebook ads, PPC ads, writing solo ad copy, or creating your landing pages..

Ask yourself this question:

“What are my prospects deepest darkest pains and how can I use that to attract THEM?”

Ask yourself:

  • What’s keeps them awake at night?
  • What makes them afraid?
  • What makes them angry?
  • Who makes them angry?
  • What makes them most frustrated?

THEM being those individuals in the middle of the mojave desert slowly dying of dehydration.

Them being the BUYERS.

All it takes is this one tweak in your Marketing for things to start changing IMMEDIATELY.

The tweak being: In your Marketing campaigns, instead of talking about the pleasures that your product/service/coaching will help your prospect attain, shift towards addressing the pains that they’re currently feeling, and how your product or service will alleviate that pain for them. 

Now… Instead of attracting time wasting freebie seekers, you’re speaking the language of a hyper responsive buyer. The one willing to do anything for a change.

That guy in the dessert who would pay you tens of thousands of dollars for that single bottle of water. 

When you get “THEM” on your list, instead of the same folks the rest get, that’s the moment you start creating true leverage for yourself.

Here’s a simple but ‘proven to work’ format you can use for your ads and landing pages:

“How To Get (DESIRE), Without (PAIN), In XYZ Timeframe”

Or a more personal “storytelling model” –

“How I Overcame XYZ (Pain) With XYZ (Your Product), To Attain XYZ (Desire) in XYZ Timeframe”

As you can see, this is the exact model I use on my current capture page. Click here to check it out. 

The headline:

The Simple 5 Step System That Took Misha Wilson, A Nothing Special 23 Year Old College Dropout From Stuck, Struggling, And Losing Money To Making $7,698.87 Per Month In Just 90 Days!

Broken down:

The Simple System (Product) That Allowed Me To Overcome My PROSPECTS PAIN (stuck, struggling, and losing money), And Attain My PROSPECTS DESIRED OUTCOME ($7,698.87/Month, or MAKE MONEY), In Just 90 Days. (Timeframe)

The trick is, don’t be literal. Instead, think to the terms of tangible representations that THEY (the dude in the mojave) attach their strongest emotions to.

For example, Daegan Smiths Classic:

“How To Recruit Without Picking Up The Phone”

What word hurts the most for someone who is trying to succeed in a MLM business, but instead, miserably failing?


If you’ve ever been rejected, calling leads, you know what I mean. It’s painful. It hurts. It can keep people up at night. I can make people angry.

Figure out what’s messing with your BUYER PROSPECTS at an emotional level, and you hold the keys to the kingdom.

Now its time to implement, and you have 2 choices:

You can either go figure out all this stuff on your own, which means identifying your customer avatar, identifying their pains, and then creating ads and capture pages around them…

Did you get value out of “Conversions: The Secret Sauce On How To Convert Leads Into Sales”? Let me know with a comment below, and don’t forget to hit the Facebook Share, and Google + Buttons directly above or below this post!

To our mutual success,

Misha Wilson 

Me and Michelle

P.S. Ready To Kick Rejection To The Curb And Explode Your Network Marketing Business? Discover The 5 Lies You’ve Been Told About Network Marketing That Are Keeping You Stuck, Struggling, and BROKE… PLUS How To Break Free And Create A Never Ending Stream Of Red-Hot Prospects Ready To Join Your Business TODAY.  Click Here To Find Out How RIGHT NOW! 


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About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.


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