Lessons Learned Building A Multi Million Dollar Business By The Age Of 25 Ch. 2/3
In case you missed out on our previous “Chapter 1”, be sure to check it out right here…
It wasn’t long ago that I was $9,755 in debt, building my business out of a tiny apartment in the middle of Las Cruces New Mexico struggling to find my breakthrough.
I had just had to move 1/2 way across the country after getting kicked out of my house on Maui HI, and needed SOMETHING to happen.
I was “full time” in my business, but full time in the worst kind of way.
I was spending anywhere from 12-14 hours in front of the computer per day, with little if ANYTHING to show for it, while my friends and family continued to doubt my choice to get started in the Online world.
In todays chapter I want to talk about 3 more critical lessons that helped me to break through in my business way back when for the first time… and of course which will allow you to do the exact same if you take them and run with em.
Actually, each of these lessons had a huge impact on my profits ALONE. Use them in conjunction with each other, and watch your following, influence, and as a result, sales and bottomline increase.
1. The Importance Of Using Character In Your Marketing “The Attractive Character”.
I used to spend hours upon hours upon hours creating “how to content”. I’d write blog post after blog post and shoot video after video, hoping that someone would find my stuff and view me as the authority through watching my content packed videos.
That strategy never got me very far, and I soon found out exactly why not.
Here’s the dealio… (and I learned this from Dan Kennedy, so it MUST be true.)
People will opt in to your list and buy your products for your content, but they’ll stick around and follow you because of the relationship they have with your attractive character.
When I started focusing more on character based marketing, and less on content based how to marketing, I immediately noticed more engagement, increased list responsiveness, and as a result, more sales.
While it would take MUCH more than just this blog post to teach you how to build your attractive character, here are some key points to think about…
What’s your origin story (what’s your story of pain and struggle that people will be able to relate to? Look at how I opened up this blog post with a little bit of my story)… Your story is what will allow your audience to identify with you and is what will allow you to create relatability… Two things that are KEY when it comes to you turning your email list subscribers into fans.
What do you stand for, and what do you stand against?
As an example, I stand for hard work, investing in yourself, providing value to the market place, and in general, freedom.
I stand against the get rick quick mentality, wanting something for nothing, and a general sense of entitlement.
When I perpetuate what I stand for and what I stand against though out all of my Marketing, I attract my ideal clients, and repel my potential nightmare customer. This means that I create a business that I actually enjoy running, and avoid dealing to nightmare customers who I can’t stand working with.
What’s your identity in the marketplace?
Are you the leader (the person who’s on a mission to go somewhere and lead there audience with them)?
Are you the reporter (the person who’s passionate about a subject, and goes out and brings value to their audience back in the form of interviews and news pieces)?
Are you the reluctant hero (the person who doesn’t really like the limelight, but knows that your value needs to get put out into the world, and thus makes a sacrifice in putting themselves out there)?
Are you the adventurer/crusader (the person who goes on crazy adventures and takes there audience with them for the ride)?
It’s also fine to be a combo of both… but it’s important that you know which identity you are, and then act accordingly. People like consistency in the people that they follow, and when you know your identity and act accordingly, you’ll come across as consistent in all of your marketing. Consistency builds trust, and trust increases sales.
Again, there’s MUCH, MUCH, more to the Attractive Character…
But for now know that if you’re not using it, you ARE leaving money on the table.
To get a little bit more of a 30,000 foot view of the Attractive Character, checkout this illustration of the Attractive character by Russell Brunson…
2. Daily Live Broadcasts E-mails (Daily Seinfeld E-mails)
What I’ve found is that the BEST way to use the Attractive Character is through daily live broadcast e-mails.
These e-mails should be focused on one thing more than anything else… simply providing entertainment while simultaneously integrating your attractive character.
This blog post that I’m writing right now is actually much more “content heavy” than most of the e-mails I write nowadays.
Remember, the average american reads under 2 non fiction books per year (content) (according to the big googly – so it must be true), and watches up to 6 hours of T.V. per day.
While I do believe that it’s good to give how to content every now and then, I tend to focus on 20% content and 80% entertainment.
In having the occasional content piece mixed into your Marketing, you’ll position yourself as the leader and authority (he who teaches is naturally the leader and authority), but don’t over do it.
They’re called “Daily Seinfield E-mails” for a reason.
If you look at the show Seinfield, people tuned in every single day to watch it, yet it was literally about nothing.
There’s was no big plot, no real story, and in general, each episode was just more or less watching a few people live there day to day lives.
BUT… It was entertaining because you could bond with the characters… and the characters were just that, characters.
With your e-mails you should write about what’s going on in your life, epiphanies that you have which end up helping you in your business, what’s going going on in the news (current events), and every now and then the good controversial e-mail.
It’s a little bit hard for me to teach you “how to write about nothing”… 🙂
When it comes to the deployment of your Seinfield e-mails, the best way to use them is through DAILY LIVE broadcasts.
Don’t try and write out 100 followup messages and have them go out on autopilot.
There’s something magical about using Daily Live broadcasts. You can talk about what day of the week it is, and why it’s important (“Lessons learned watching Monday night football”), leave open loops to what’s coming next, and in general, create much more of “live” sort of feeling in your Marketing.
On the flip-side, when you setup a list of 100 autoresponder messages, you come off as generic, and people end up feeling as if you’re “just another marketer”.
Never get labelled “just another marketer.
When you do, you’re dead.
3. The Magical Power Of Events And Rituals
Now when I say events, I don’t just mean live in person events. I mean events in general.
Whenever you can set a certain date for anything… Whether it be a webinar, a product launch, or just a group hangout, it would be categorized as an event.
Events and rituals are powerful for a couple of different reasons…
Firstly, they make people feel like they’re a part of something, and they keep people moving in a unanimous direction (if used correctly).
Look at any religion… They all have weekly events that bring there communities together, allow there community members to refocus on what they should be doing (following the set standard), and usually upon leaving, each member of the community feels inspired to go out and take action to spread the word (in the case of religions).
There’s usually the same underlying message in all of the events, and they’re all aimed at getting people inspired and to follow the set standard that the religion has set.
Now while it may seem extreme, you can absolutely use the power of events and rituals in all of your marketing.
Host weekly webinars, and have part of your webinars be to tell people to tune into your daily e-mails. Set a standard that you want your e-mail list members to follow (you can very easily integrate when you stand for and what you stand against – the characteristics that you stand for would simply be part of your set standard), and then in all of your e-mails, webinars, pieces of content, and so on and so forth, tell people that if they want to be close to you and part of the “group of cool kids” (for lack of a better term), they need to follow the set standard.
In order to REALLY take it to the next level, have part of your set standard be to read your daily e-mails and get on your weekly calls. Then in your daily e-mails and weekly calls, ALWAYS tell people to continue to follow the set standard, WHILE ideally inspiring hope and getting people fired up to follow your standard.
Get them tuning into your daily live e-mails as part of the standard, then in your e-mails tell them that part of the standard is to get on all of the webinars, then all of the webinars, again tell them to follow the set standard (to read your e-mails, and ideally buy your stuff).
Outlined above is the model that EVERY SINGLE religion uses to get there people to move in a unanimous direction.
Each religion has a set standard (core commandments, laws, etc.), they all have weekly meetings aimed at inspiring hope, and they usually have daily practices for there members to follow in order to stay in line with the set standard.
Set standards for your e-mail list subscribers, get them to follow certain rules that result in a more powerful business, and then always aim to provide value and inspire hope with all of your events and rituals.
If you do, you’ll find that people start to follow your standards, take action based on what you teach, and most importantly, get results with the information that you share with them.
Make sure you ALWAYS use the formula described above for the power of good, and never use any advanced influence techniques in order to manipulate people into taking an action that they shouldn’t.
Provide immense value to all of your customers, and use the strategies outlined above in order to make people take action steps that they should take that will genuinely help them.
If you do, you’ll find that your customers will get value, they’ll produce awesome results, and in turn, you’ll end up with a BUNCH of testimonials. 🙂
Alright, this post has gone on long enough for now…
Keep an eye out in the coming days for the final installment of the “Lessons Learned Building A Million Dollar Business By The Age Of 25 Ch. 3/3″, and if you got value out of todays post, don’t forget to leave a quick comment below and to share on social media!
Did you miss chapter #1?
If so, click this link to check it out now.
Did you get value out of todays post, “
To the top,
Misha Wilson
P.S. Here’s a few more cool resources for you in your Journey…
The Fine Art Of Not Caring What Other People Think… (Video Blog Post)
Lessons Learned From Donald Trump (Facebook Live Blog Post)
The One Lesson That Changed It All (Written Blog Post)
Case Study (187 Leads Per Day On Auto-pilot)
Enjoy. 😉
P.P.S. If you’ve ever struggled to get traffic to your websites, I’ve got something special for you planned in the coming weeks.
Keep an eye out on your e-mail inbox. 😉
P.P.P.S. At this point in my Marketing journey I’ve written thousands of e-mails… All of which have included little grammatical errors here and there.
Look past them, and take the wisdom that my Marketing lessons impart to you, and you’ll be served immensely.
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