I hope you’ve been getting a ton of value out of this e-mail and blog post series… and I hope you’ve had at this point more than one or two aha moments. I know from personal experience, the last lesson I shared in Ch 2. could very easily save literally YEARS of your life and tens of thousands of dollars if taken as seriously as it should be. If you haven’t been tuning in, get caught up here now… Lessons Learned In Doing 10 Milliun In Sales… (Ch. 1) Lessons Learned In Doing 10 Milliun In Sales… (Ch. 2) In chapter 1 we discussed the most important foundational element needed to achieve massive success… And in chapter 2 I shared what I believe to be the biggest mistake people make strategically, thus leading to them wasting hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. Study those lessons above if you haven’t already… You’ll thank me later. 🙂 In todays chapter I want to discuss another lesson that most of the big-time “gooroos” forget to tell you… And something which at the end of the day will be one of the things that effects your bank accounts balance the most. The age old lesson… It’s not about how much you make, it’s about how much you keep. When you first come into the online world, at-least in my experience, all you want to do is chase revenue. You want to make your first six figures… Then you want to make your first half milliun… Then your first milliun… And so on and so forth. You’re hungry to achieve bigger and faster success, and the way you judge your success (or at-least the way most people do) is through chasing and driving as much revenue as humanly possible. Now, there’s something to be said for chasing revenue… As without revenue you won’t have any profit… And in chasing revenue, you can build a story and positioning in the marketplace that makes you more attractive to buy from… But you should also know just how unproductive it can be at times, and just how much it can end up hurting your business longterm… If your business isn’t optimized for high amounts of revenue. One of my mentors, Keith Cunningham says it best… “You can get very rich staying small, and you can go very broke getting big.” But how? Logically, it seems like the more you have flying in, the more you should make, right? Wrong. In a nutshell, it all comes down to this… Driving revenue costs muney. When you’re making a few thousand dollars per month selling affiliate products with f.r.e.e traffic, it’s really hard to wrap your head around this concept. But I can tell you from personal experience, as you start to scale, the amount of costs and expenses that tend to constantly pop up start to get a little bit crazy.
The tendency when you have a BUNCH of muney flying in, is to invest it in cool new ways to keep more muney flying in in the future, instead of socking it away in your bank account as business profit. It’s fun to have big months with lots of revenue, and it can get a little addicting. As a result, you tend to spend everything that you make (or at-least way too much), and starve your margins to grow your revenue. At that point, all you are is one or two big problems away from being in a serious rut. A universal law in business is that just around every 3 months, there’s going to be some sort of issue that arises and some sort of fire you have to put out. Those fires cost muney. If you don’t have the funds to put them out, you’re in serious trouble, and you risk going out of business. Remember this… There will ALWAYS be some sort of cool, new way to get more customers… There will ALWAYS be the next idea to drive more revenue… There will ALWAYS be the next innovation to grow your business and grow your brand… But at the end of the day, if you’re not optimized for PROFIT first, the more you grow, the WORSE OFF you’ll be. Without the right economic foundation, metaphorically, you’re growing a tumor. The funny thing is… The common reason we initially get into business is to make muney. Then as soon as we start making a bunch of muney, we tend figure out how to get rid of it as fast as we made it. Don’t let that be you. Get the right economic foundation in place, where the more revenue you drive, the more profit you make, and you’ll find yourself on the fast track to being part of the elite 5% of worldwide earners. 🙂 For an awesome book on this topic, I highly recommend you picking up a copy of (and reading) “Profit First”… by Mike Michalowicz. Learn this lesson and these concepts now, and save yourself the pain of watching a milliun dollars come flying in in a month, and 1.1m go out (that’s a true story, but for another day… A day when I’ve had one or two drinks to sedate the pain in telling it 😉). To the top, Misha Wilson ![]() SUPPORT: If you have a question or comment, contact support at: support@thesuperaffiliatenetwork.com Disclaimer: I’m a marketer – I sell products. Often, I like to pass along case studies of results from my top achieving members. These illustrations are only for educational purposes and are not intended to serve as a guarantee of success. Success in this business requires hard work, dedication and skill development. Some earn less while some earn much more. |
Antonio Serra
April 6, 2019Awesome and NEVER Give UP !
Lessons Learned In Doing 10M+ In Sales… (Ch 3)
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Ray Orr
April 6, 2019Thank you
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