The Most Powerful Wealth Creation Force On Earth (Ch. 4 of 6)

The Most Powerful Wealth Creation Force On Earth (Ch. 4 of 6)


This Friday at 7PM Eastern time, you’ll learn 14 ways to double your profits in the next 60 days (or get on the fast track to six figures in 3 months flat if you’re just getting started)… Or I’ll send you $100 just for wasting your time…

Click here for all of the juicy details now.


Beneath it all, what’s the common denominator that all of the top earners possess?

I’m taking about people who are already tapping into successful sales processes, but still produce a larger result than anyone else promoting that same offer?

The one thing that allows the same people to almost effortlessly become top earners in just about any opportunity they join, while others continue to spin their wheels over and over and over again.

It’s PART of your sales process, yes… But we need to take it one step deeper, and REALLY dig into one of the most important components of your sales process as a whole.

That’s what were about to dive into right now here today… so stay tuned, and get ready to begin.

First though, let’s do a quick recap.

First we covered the vital importance of having an effective sales process, and how it’s really the only thing you should actually be focusing on.

We spoke about how my life fell apart at the age of 19 resulting in losing a division one tennis scholarship, and how Internet Marketing and then specifically tapping into promoting a trial offer temporarily gave me hope by allowing me to create 4x the customers, with zero extra work…

We then spoke about how that spark of hope was once again ripped away, due to not having ANY clue how to create REAL profits with those customers.

We covered my run in with pain pill abuse, and my business altering experience at my first live event…

How I learned ONE THING (the power of a one click up-sell), and how it took me from flat brake, to just about $5,000 per month in just a few short months.

Lastly, I mentioned that throughout these e-mails I’ve shared with you 5 covert lessons, that in of themselves, WILL change your business, and WILL easily add an extra zero to your bottomline if you can take the time to identify them (more are to come, so once again, stay alert).

Now today, we’re going to discuss what I like to call, “The Most Powerful Wealth Creation Force On Earth”.

Fire up your engines folks, as we’re about to add the nitrous!

So, there I was, making just about $5,000 a month, and actually living back in Hawaii.

Before I was able to leverage the information I had learned at The No Excuses Summit (the live event I had gone to) in regards to the one click up-sell offer, there was about a month where my cashflow was completely non-existent.

Once again, I was unable to pay my rent (this time a measly $380)… and once again, I was forced to relocate due to not being able to pay the rent.

Don’t get me wrong, it monumentally sucked, and I remember the pain of that day when one of my best friends walked up to me with the rent bill and told me “you’ve gotta go” like yesterday…

…There’s nothing quite like having your business put some of your most important relationships on the line.

BUT, having said that, a part of me still felt extremely hopeful for the future, as I now felt I was truly armed with the information I needed to succeed.

Forced to move back in with my dad, I got on a plane and flew back to Hawaii… But still with full intentions of creating my success Online, and now the knowledge necessary to blow my business up once and fore-all.

And to my pleasant surprise, this time, IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

Within just about 2 months (the timeline is honestly fuzzy… A byproduct of spending 14 hours per day in front of your computer), I had that first $5,000 month, and then evened out at that number for a few months.

My dad was still skeptical, and as a result, I was right back in the security guard job that I hated oh so much (this time just on a part time basis), but my small level of result was helping his belief to a certain small degree.

“Maybe you’re starting to climb a few notches higher on that little pyramid scheme of yours, huh?” He’d say.

You’ve gotta love your skeptical family members 🙂

Now while I was happy with that result, I was still massively HUNGRY. My goal was to build a multi million dollar empire, and nothing less… and to hit that goal, well, I still had a LONG way to go.

…And even though I was now making a few thousand dollars, well, I still had one MAJOR issue that I was dealing with… A hole that I HAD to fill.

I couldn’t make a single freakin sale through e-mailing my list to save my life.

I had been told that the m.oney was in the list, and that it was my single most valuable asset, yet still, I wasn’t making ANY sales through mailing the little list that I had built.

Actually, I was struggling just to get a few clicks here and there from all my e-mail marketing efforts.

BUT… I did understand and was realistic about one thing… I hadn’t invested any time or m.oney into learning the craft of e-mail marketing, so I probably shouldn’t be expecting much yet (a not so covert lesson for you).

So… I got to work, and found out who the best of the best in the game was when it came to e-mail marketing.

Through my searching I was lead back to the one and only Daegan Smith “The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead”.

A dude who had once brought over 1k people into his business in a single week, ALL through e-mail marketing.

I tore through all of his free stuff, bought a few of his courses, and registered for everyone of his upcoming webinars.

One afternoon webinar with Daegan (when you live on Maui, all of the 9PM Eastern webinars are smack-dab in the afternoon) ended up changing my ENTIRE perspective on e-mail marketing.

Up until then, I had been setting up a bunch of autoresponder messages and then will all of my daily broadcasts, was more or less pushing people to random affiliate offers with little if any thought put into it.

What Daegan shared on that webinar changed it all.

“Think of your e-mail marketing like a talk radio show. You keep em around with irresistible entertainment, and then sell to them on the commercial breaks. Don’t shy away from e-mailing your list…

Mail once a day in the morning with your “song” (some sort of value – a blog post, story based e-mail, or just pure entertainment), and then in the afternoon, send them a direct sales message… Don’t include any kind of value, but instead, give em your version of a “commercial break”.

Focus on providing enough value in your AM message that when you send your PM message, they either respond and buy, or just note it as a sales message, and delete it. Either way, you keep the lead, or make a sale.

…And if they leave, it’s fine… if they can’t deal with you selling to them, well, chances are they would have never bought anyway.”

Those few sentences that Daegan said on that call hit me square in the forehead, and perfectly illustrated EXACTLY opposite of what I was currently doing with my e-mail marketing.

Daegan ended up making an offer at the end of that webinar for $10k for a system that would teach us exactly how to use his strategies, do a lot of the hard work for us, and help us build our lists in the process.

I remember feeling the internal resistance, knowing that I SHOULD take action, but fully aware that I didn’t quite have the funds.

The last 15 minutes of that webinar was a battle in of it-self, just to get myself to take the action step that I knew deep down that I needed to take.

It was out of my comfort zone, and to be honest, it freaked me out.

“What if this doesn’t work? All of my progress will be for nothing?”.

“I don’t really know this dude Daegan, how can I know he has my best intentions at heart?”

“Maybe I should just keep doing what I’m doing, it seems to be working.”

One argument after another for why I shouldn’t take action raced through my mind, as I felt the goosebumps come, and my heartbeat increase.

I actually don’t think I would have applied if Daegan wouldn’t have said ONE sentence that immediately made everything clear.

“Misha (he wasn’t talking directly to me, but it felt like he was), if you’re not serious enough to invest in your business, and to invest in your business on a grand scale, who else will be?

No-one. If you’re not serious enough to invest in your business, and to invest in your business on a grand scale, no-one else will be, and failure will be inevitable.”

Take a minute to read that paragraph again.

How true it is, right?

That was all I needed to hear.

I put my fear aside for a moment, understood that if I were to ever accomplish my goals, reach my dreams and realize my true potential, I would HAVE to take action steps that were out of my comfort zone.

I overcame the internal resistance, and applied.

Daegan ended up hooking me up with a deal on his system, and I dove in headfirst.

I immediately started to see commissions with his system, and in just my second month, I hit the $10,000 per month mark…

Effectively doubling my income just through sending simple e-mails.

And to be very clear, if you’re still wondering, “what is the most powerful wealth creation force on earth?”

…It’s your e-mail list… Your relationship that you have with your list, and how market to that list.

Your e-mail marketing IS part of your followup process, which is part of your overall sales process.

I’d challenge you to find ONE top earner who doesn’t first have an e-mail list, and then secondly, know exactly what they’re doing when it comes to marketing to that list.

Once you have an e-mail list, and know how to market to it effectively, you can create profits on demand, with little if any real work (often times, nearly copy and pasting).

But having said that… In order to TRULY dominate and build your list profitably (the only way to build your list effectively), you need to have every other piece of your sales process in place in order to maximize the power of your e-mail marketing or as Daegan likes to call it, “talk radio e-mail”.

To get the inside scoop on my entire A-Z sales process, register for Fridays “Profit Compounders” masterclass right here now.

…On the class I’ll share with you every single profit trigger (14 to be exact, along with potentially a few bonuses) I use in my own personal multi-million dollar business, and show you exactly how you can clone them for yourself, starting as soon as next week.

Click here to get registered for the class, and I’ll see you on live.

For now, remember, ALWAYS be building your e-mail list, and then mail your list 2x per day. Don’t be shy. The more you mail, the more responsive your list will be, and the more m.oney you’ll make.

To the top,

Misha Wilson

P.S. Did you miss the previous chapter, “From Pain Pill Addiction To A Six Figure Income…” If so, click here to check it out now.

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About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.


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