Tired Of Getting SCAMMED By Internet Gurus? The Simple 3 Step Guide To ENSURE You Never Get Scammed Again…
A few days ago I woke up to a bit of a “different” morning.
As I rolled out of bed at my usual 9:30am wake up time, checked Facebook, logged into my customer manager, and checked my e-mail…
I noticed there was a strange voicemail in my Google+ account…
It was from a distraught member of my online training program, who was unfortunately in a rough spot…
“Hey Misha, I need help. I don’t know what to do moving forward… I just bought another course, and got scammed once AGAIN. This time out of nearly $2,000. I hear you’re very successful online, and I need some guidance. Is there anything that’s actually real out there? I can’t believe I just lost all this money… And don’t know where to go moving forward.”
I called the woman (whose name we’ll leave anonymous for privacy’s sake) immediately… as I wanted to understand the full story, and needed to see where things had gone wrong.
She explained to me how she had found an add for a new opportunity online, and was sure that this was the one.
After buying the first entry level package, they called her back and sold her a more expensive package for $1,997. Then after selling her the package for thousands of dollars, they near disappeared off the “face of the internet”!
Almost immediately she couldn’t get an e-mail back, couldn’t get a call answered, and no matter where she turned she seemed to find nothing but smoke and mirrors.
Just like that she had blown through nearly $2,046 on the company, and now couldn’t access anything she had bought, couldn’t get ahold of anyone from the company, and was left wondering where to turn next.
She was blatantly scammed out of $2,046, and it nearly left her completely crushed!
In that moment, she was on the verge of quitting the industry all together, tired of the fake income lies and general hype of the industry.
I talked her down off the cliff, and explained that unfortunately, this type of learning experience tends to be part of the process…
“At one point or another, we were all exactly where you are right now. We’ve all lost money on crappy products, and some of them are outright scams. If you don’t take necessary precautions, chances are you may very well lose your shirt. It happened to me when I was first getting started, and while I know it hurts, you shouldn’t hold it against yourself for having it happen to you. It really is just part of the process, and unfortunately we’ve all been there.”
The truth is that there ARE people out there who want to do nothing more than to blatantly rip you off and provide you zero value in return. There are companies that act unethically, and there are companies that will take advantage of you if you let them.
I then asked her if she wanted to hear what she should have done differently in doing a little bit more research before paying the money, to make sure I would avoid getting burned.
She reluctantly agreed.
What came next, was a “scam prevention masterclass”…
And something that anyone who’s trying to create success online can learn from if they’re looking to avoid the sharks and save their money.
There are a few main items that you need to make SURE you look for in any company to ensure that you know that they’re real.
First… Make sure that the company owner (or person in the fancy video) is real.
It may or may not surprise you, but the truth is that with many of the scams online, the person who’s talking in the hype filled sales video isn’t even actually a real person!
It’s a fake character, fake story, and fake product, made up by a sleazy marketer who’s just trying to sell you something.
The video itself won’t even be close to compliant, and as a result, the marketer won’t be willing to put their name out there. If they did, they’d be having all kinds of issues with government agencies coming in and shutting them down.
So the first thing you want to do is make SURE that the person who’s trying to sell you the product or service is REAL.
Find out what their name is in the video, and then do your research. Look for their social media profiles, look at images of them on google (just search for their name), look for images of them with customers, and make sure everything matches up.
Using myself as an example (considering that I’m one of the real deal Marketers), if you’re watching a video made by me, and then after that you were to search for me on Facebook, search for me on google, and search for pictures of me with happy customers, here’s what you’d find….
As you can see, everything matches up, and I’m 100% fine with putting myself fully out there. I have zero hesitations and I’m not trying to hide anything.
On the flip-side, if you were to search for someone in many of the scammy videos, there would be zero social media presence, there would be zero images of them on google, and there wouldn’t be any images of them with happy customers.
After-all all of their customers are unhappy as they’re getting scammed!
Second… Make sure the person selling the product has REAL testimonials.
If you do your work correctly on making sure that the person in the video real, usually you’ll end up being ok.
But sometimes, that’s not the case.
Sometimes the person will be real, and even though they’re an outright scam, they’ll still put themselves out there make their name public.
They’re playing a short term game, and sooner or later they’ll end up in trouble, but we don’t want you to get burned while they’re out there!
So the next thing you have to do is make SURE that they have REAL testimonials from REAL people.
Remember when it’s a scam, the character is fake, the story is fake, and the product is fake. Still, the sleazy marketer still needs case studies… And that’s when the fake testimonials come into play.
In todays day and age, for literally $25, a marketer with bad intentions can go to Fiverr and get 5 fake testimonials done where the person in the video will say whatever they want!
Within hours, the scam artist marketer can have 5 videos of people saying that they’ve made millions of dollars online with their products, and then use them to sell you some crappy product that doesn’t work…
Or worse, use them to charge you top dollar for literally thin air, just as it happened to my poor member.
It’s gross, and it’s lame, but it’s true.
The solution to this issue is simple…
Just like you made sure the person in the video is real from point #1, make SURE that the people in the testimonials are real as well.
Look for them on Facebook and Google, and verify that what they’re saying in the testimonial is actually true.
Also, look for pictures of them WITH the product creator themselves.
Chances are that if someone is the real deal and isn’t a scam, they won’t mind hanging out with their customers and most likely spend time with them at events and masterminds.
Using myself as an example again, here are a few testimonials from some of our happy customers…
As you can see, those testimonials are from the same people that you can see me hanging out with at our events in the images above. Furthermore if you were to search for those individuals on Facebook, here’s what you’d find:
As you can see, just like myself, all of the people in our testimonials are real people with real lives.
Again, if the person were to be a scammer, you wouldn’t be able find any of this, as the testimonials would be just as fake as they’re overhyped lies.
And third, look for facebook groups, communities, and live events.
Any real business owner who isn’t a scammer knows one thing…
The relationship that you have with your customers is one of, if not the most important asset that you have in your business. When you have happy customers that you provide real value to, they’ll come back to purchase over and over and over again.
As a result, a legitimate business owner will constantly be looking to add more support and more value to their customers.
One of the best ways to do this online is through Facebook groups and online communities, along with hosting live in person training events.
Through doing live training events, and through having thriving communities of happy customers in Online groups, they give their customers more support, and as a result make more repeat sales.
Scammers however have no interest in providing any value, and all of what I mentioned above are literally impossible for them to execute upon.
Based on the fact that they provide no real value, they’ll never have any kind of Facebook group or online community (as it would be nothing but non stop complaints)…
And they’ll most definitely never have any kind of live events, as all of their customers would want to kill them!
As a result, when you find an online business with real facebook groups and real live events, you know that they’re probably the real deal.
When you combine that final piece with the first two points, you can be almost certain that you have a winner, and that you’re avoiding the scammers.
As another example of what to look for, here are our Facebook groups, and a few pictures from our live events.
We’re always looking to provide more value and give our customers a better experience, and as a result, we have a Facebook group with over 16,000 members, and we have regular live training events that our customers love.
In Conclusion…
The fact of the matter is that there are sharks online.
If you’ve been scammed in the past, it’s not your fault, as almost everyone has at some point in time or another.
The key is to do your research and make sure you’re working with people who are the real deal.
The best way to do just that is through following the criteria I’ve given above and make sure that the product creator matches all three criteria.
If they do, chances are they’re good. If they don’t, buyer beware.
The good news for you is that there are indeed “good guys” out there who have high-quality products and services and who’s methods actually work.
It’s just up to you to do your research and find them before investing your hard-earned money.
With that said, if you’re like to tap into a proven method to quickly launch your own extremely profitable online business TODAY…
Taught to you by one of the good guys (me) who actually cares about his customers…
I’d like to invite you to download my free “Accelerate To Profits” video training series…
Where I’ll share with you the most SIMPLE way to launch your very own highly profitable online business TODAY, even if you have zero sales experience and no technical skills… And even if you don’t have tens of thousands of dollars laying around to get your business off the ground.
What I share with you inside is real, it’s honest, and if you’re looking for a legitimate way to launch your own highly profitable online business from scratch, it’ll be the ideal place for you to start first.
And I’ll see you on the inside!
To the top,
Misha Wilson
P.S. If you’re like some people who just skip to the P.S. line, long story short, if you’re looking to launch your own highly profitable online business from scratch, be sure to Click here and claim your free video series right now!
Inside, you’ll discover the simple formula I used to go from $10,000 in debt, stuck and confused, to making millions of dollars per year online!
The best part, with this simple formula, you don’t need to be a sales expert or a tech wizard, and you don’t need any prior experience!
If you can follow simple step by step instructions, this can absolutely work for you!

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