The Truth About Success… Part 2 (Rant)

In yesterdays post we discussed what I believe from personal experience is the first critical aspect of becoming successful. If you haven’t read that post, check it out right here. And to recap quickly, the first critical component to your success which ALL successful people (at-least entrepreneurial individuals) have mastered is the ability to be extremely resourceful. Whether it be borrowing start up capital, finding new joint venture partners, or expanding through hiring outsourced help, the more resourceful you are as a person, the farther you’ll go.

In todays post, we’re going to talk about the second major pillar of success that all successful entrepreneurs have, and look at just how important it is to the life of your business.

The second pillar: Having a clear vision/intention/game-plan.

I guarantee that if you were to look at 50 successful entrepreneurs, all 50 of them at some point or another figured out exactly what they wanted, and then simply didn’t stop working until they reached there desired goal. They decided at some point or another what game they wanted to play, whether it may be real estate investing, internet marketing, network marketing or any other, and then they put their noses down, went through the necessary trial and errors that every business has, and kept pushing the envelope until they did enough right for a long enough period of time to break through themselves.

One of my favorite quotes on this topic is:

“Success occurs in the lives of specific people for specific reasons. Success is not something that randomly happens to you, it is something that you make happen. There’s no magic. It is not complex. If you will invest the time to find out what other people have done to be successful, and then begin doing the same things, you too, in due season, will achieve similar results.”

Tommy Newberry

Read that one more time… because honestly if there’s a single recipe for success, this quote is as close as you’ll ever come.

Also step back and look at the fact that according to Tom, the first step in the path to success is to find someone who has already found success in an area that you’re striving to be successful in, and then model them. Then step a little bit further back, and realize that this is physically impossible to do if you don’t have a clear intention set. If you’re goal is to simply “be successful”, you’re going to bounce around from one business to another, never really putting in the work necessary in order to make it big-time, constantly blaming the business model for your lack of results instead of taking on the responsibility yourself, like a real entrepreneur would. 

Where if your game-plan is more precise, something along the lines of, “I want to create a full time income online by focusing primarily on affiliate marketing through list building and various paid traffic mediums”, it’s going to be a whole lot more simple to keep your “model search” more narrow, and find someone who is already doing exactly what you’re looking to do in your business.

Remember, you need to be able to model many little actionable steps which produce a certain result, rather than just focusing on modeling the act of “being successful”. When you can figure out what the little things are that the big players in your industry do on a daily basis to grow their business’s, its then just up to you to take action and reproduce those same little daily action steps that will grow your own business.

Modeling someone who is successful in any given field is the surest way for you to find success in that same field, FAST.

But remember, In order to be able to model… you have to first have a clear game-plan set. If you don’t set your intentions on a crystal clear goal, there’s no way for you to begin the reverse engineering process of your model you choose.

So do yourself a favor… before you go out and try every business under the sun, take a little while and examine your options. Look at what other people are doing in there business’s on a daily basis. Examine which type of business model best matches your personality AND STRENGTHS. MAKE ABSOLUTE SURE THAT YOUR BUSINESS YOU GET INVOLVED IN IS TAILORED TO YOUR STRENGTHS… 

And then ONLY AFTER YOU’VE SET YOUR INTENTION, go out and find someone who has already had success in the industry you’re looking to dominate, and then figure out exactly what it is they do which allows them to dominate.

If you follow this process, success is almost a sure thing, and more of a “when” vs. “if” type deal.

To Success, Yours and Mine. 

Misha Wilson

Game Face...

About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.


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