The Two Mental Triggers To Focus On Hitting In Your “PM E-mails”…

The Two Mental Triggers To Focus On Hitting In Your “PM E-mails”… If you’ve been following me for any period of time, you know that I love implementing “talk radio e-mail” for the primary followup strategy. Click here to checkout my last post where I outlined the strategy. Since writing that post I’ve had quite…

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How To Followup For Maximum Profit…

How To Followup For Maximum Profit… One of my favorite quotes is, “The Moneys In The List But the Fortunes In The Followup”. It couldn’t be more spot on, and when I took it to heart, it completely and totally adopted that mindset in my business, my profits went through the roof. The truth is…

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How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Traffic Into Leads And Then Leads Into Sales…

How To Create Lead Magnets That Convert Traffic Into Leads And Then Leads Into Sales… Are you struggling to convert the traffic you’re generating into e-mail list subscribers?  Are you struggling to convert the leads that do come through your funnel and onto your list into paying customers? If so, you’re most likely not offering…

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Getting good traffic… (the 2 most important things to keep mind)

Yesterday before hopping on special guest interview with the Elite Marketing Pro guys (you can actually checkout the replay right here… It’s pretty badass if I do say so myself ;)), I spent a while listening to last weeks replay, and once again, was SOLD on why I love Solo Ads so much for traffic…

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How Ace And Rich Made $3,000 From One Sale, AGAIN…

How Ace And Rich Made $3,000 From One Sale, AGAIN… Way back in the day (about 5 months ago when we were launching) Ace and Rich Guzman got started here at The Super Affiliate Network. They got through the bootcamp, got into action mode based on what I taught, and immediately started to see results. …Within…

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How Heidi Caccamise Made $4219 In Just 30 Days…

How Heidi Caccamise Made $4219 In Just 30 Days… Heidi Caccamise got started with The Super Affiliate Network just over one month ago. She had been Online for a little while, but was struggling to break through and find the success she knew she was capable of creating. She was introduced to the Super Affiliate Network on June…

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The RIGHT Mindset…

Every-now and then you come across someone who has the RIGHT mindset for success. You immediately notice a stark contrast between them and most others in the Marketplace, and immediately understand why most people fail. You see exactly what holds most people back, and exactly what allows those who succeed to do just that, and do…

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Why Having The Highest Conversion Rate Doesn’t Really Matter…

Why Having The Highest Conversion Rate Doesn’t Really Matter… Some people who argue that the most important metric to follow and improve in your business is your sales conversion rate… How many of your leads your turning into sales. The truth is though, that it doesn’t really matter. Sure, it’s a number to monitor and…

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The “Fearless Leader” Myth…

The “Fearless Leader” Myth… Every now and then you’ll hear about a “Fearless Leader”. How they’re out taking massive action, creating amazing results, doing things others would only ever dream of, and doing it all without fear or hesitation. They look untouchable and as if nothing can stop them, and seem as if they’re almost…

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How Karen Richardson Made $27,225 In Just 2 Months…

Karen Richardson got started with The Super Affiliate Network just over 2 months ago… She took immediate action, plugged into the content, became a PRO Super Affiliate Network member, and then started driving traffic. Within a few days of signing up she started seeing her first front end sales, then shortly after was making her first…

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