Internet Marketing Strategies: The 4 Step Process For Home Based Business Success

Internet Marketing Strategies: The 4 Step Process For Home Based Business Success

Internet Marketing Strategies: The 4 Step Process For Home Based Business Success

Creating a successful home based business is really just like anything else. It all boils down to having a core strategy that you follow and take action upon on a daily basis. Every successful business that exists has a business plan, or a core strategy that allows them to stay in business and stay profitable. Yet unfortunately, too often times in our industry, your core Internet Marketing Strategy, or BUSINESS PLAN is overlooked.

Now the truth is, there are many different internet marketing strategies, and many different online business models that you could dive into and become successful with. There’s affiliate marketing, online network marketing, high ticket direct sales, and many more… And while unfortunately the success rate in each is extremely low, the truth is that the business model isn’t at fault, the individual, and there internet marketing strategies is what it really all boils down to.

Truth be told, there are a select few individuals in our space that could join any business opportunity or choose to promote any affiliate opportunity and crush it. The reason being… The strategies they deploy in there business are time tested and prove to work, and aren’t fly by night tactics or “here today, gone tommorrow” methods of operation.

So… In today’s video I break down the EXACT core Internet Marketing Strategy that works for me, as well as every 6, 7, or 8 figure earner you can think of in our industry.

Internet Marketing Strategies: The 4 Step Process For Home Based Business Success

The 4 step process is:

1. Master a form of paid traffic. Choose between Facebook PPC, Solo Ads, Banner Advertising, PPV ect, and then MASTER that ONE FORM of traffic generation for your business.

2. Master a form of passive traffic generation. Choose between Blogging, Youtube Videos, or Social Media, and then MASTER that ONE FORM of passive traffic generation for your business.

3. Build your e-mail list with both. This should be a no brainer, THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST… So if you’re spending your time or money on driving any traffic anywhere that’s not building your list, STOP NOW. ALWAYS BUILD YOUR LIST. 

4. Consistently add value to the Marketplace. Jim Rohn said it best with his quote, “Youu income is directly proportionate to the amount of value you add to the Marketplace”. It’s the golden rule: give and thou shall receive. Consistently adding value to the Marketplace in the form of Blog Posts, Youtube Videos, and Podcast Episodes will position yourself as a leader and the authority in the marketplace, which makes selling and making money effortless.

And thats it… the simple 4 step system for home based business success. Implement this as your core Internet Marketing Strategy, or as one of your Internet Marketing Strategies, and you can’t go wrong. 

Did you get value out of today’s post? If so, please let me know with comment, and go ahead and hit the facebook like, and G+ share buttons above!

To Success, Yours and Mine.

Misha Wilson

Me and Michelle

P.S. Have you claimed for FREE MP3 recording of the training I recently had with 8 figure earner Daegan Smith? If not, GRAB IT HERE. In the training Daegan reveals: What it takes to be the best of the best, how to immediately separate yourself from the masses, the ultimate enemy of focus and personal productivity, and the ONE THING that 3 of this 8 figure earning students, Jonathan Budd, Matt Lloyd, and Dave Wood have in common that is responsible for their results. Grab the MP3 HERE!

About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.


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