Lessons Learned In Doing 10 Million In Sales… (Ch 1)

Have you ever wished you could bypass (or at-least streamline) the learning curve, and get profitable online faster?

Have you ever wished you could get direct advice from someone who’s walked the walk, make the mistakes, and most importantly, someone who can help you to avoid them?

If so, you’ll want to pay special attention to the e-mails that’ll be coming your way in the next few days, as I have something extra special planned just for you.

See, in digging through some reports a few weeks ago, I realized that I recently hit a milestone goal of mine.

Something I set as a STRETCH goal a few years ago, and something to be honest, that I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to accomplish or not.

Very recently I crossed the 10 Milliun Dollars in sales done mark.

Now, I’ve always been pretty ambitious and driven, but looking back just a few short years ago at a 23 year old broke, confused, and overwhelmed Misha…

Struggling to make even 1 sale here or there, addicted to prescription pain medication, and getting kicked out of one house after the next due to not being able to pay my rent…

The truth is that at a core level, I don’t know if I ever truly believed that just a few short years later at the age of 28, I would have now crossed the 10 milliun dollar mark for total sales done.

It’s pretty crazy just how quickly time flies when things start to heat-up, and it seems like it was only yesterday that I couldn’t make a single sale to save life.

So, to celebrate the milestone, and to continue to add as much value as humanly possible, here’s what I’m going to do…

Over the course of the next few days, I’m going to share with you some of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned along the way, and hopefully share with you a few lessons that’ll help to make your life a little bit easier.

When you see these e-mails hit your inbox, open them up immediately and read them in entirety.

They’re going to be 100% pure value, and I don’t want you to miss them.

So, let’s dive into lesson #1:

“The Single Differentiator”

Now, I have to warn you, this first lesson might NOT be as sexy as you wish it were.

It may not be as much of a “revelation” as you wish… And chances are you’ve heard it 100 times or more…

But still, it’s the single most important lesson

And the only thing that’ll allow you to either implement the coming lessons or not.

See, at this point in the journey, I’ve generated over 50,000 customers, and I’ve worked personally with hundreds if not thousands of people.

In doing so, it’s always interesting to see one person take the information I give them, and go out and run with it and create rapid success…

Making a ton of sales, creating a full time income from home, and creating massive freedom…

While others can get literally the exact same information, and fail to produce any result.

They end up letting their frustrations slow them down, and the little speed-bumps stop them completely.

So, what’s the difference that makes the difference?

Their internal game… Or their mindset.

The truth is that no matter what game-plan, formula, system or course I give you, in you taking action and implementing, there are GOING to be challenges.

Shit’s not going to work the way you wish it did…

You’re going to have ad campaigns that completely bomb…

You’re going to build out funnels that don’t convert…

And sometimes, to put it bluntly, shit’s gonna suck.

To top it off, here’s the kicker…

The more successful you are, the BIGGER the challenges end up being, and the MORE failure you end up experiencing…

You just have a few massive successes sprinkled in that make up for them.

See, most people think that once they’re successful in their business, it’s going to be all sunshine and rainbows.

Once they’re successful, they’ll never experience stress again, and once their successful, any and all worries will be a thing of the past.

The truth is, once you’re successful, you simply have a different set of stressures and a different set of problems.

Your bank account balance grows, but your your level of problems tend to grow as well, and the BIGGER your business is, the BIGGER your problems will tend to be.

While I know this first lesson probably isn’t what you want hear, again, this series of e-mails is designed to deliver the REAL and TRUE lessons that I was never fortunate enough to hear…

The in the trenches stuff that most of the other gurus AREN’T telling you.

So, to sum it up…

The only way for you to create success at no matter WHAT level of the game you’re looking to play, is very simply this:

You must become the person that deserves the level of success that you’re after.

If you want to be a six figure earner, you have to start operating and thinking like a six figure earner.

If you want to be a milliun dollar earner, you have to start operating and thinkinglike a milliun dollar earner.

If you want to be an 8 figure earner, you have to start operating and thinking like an 8 figure earner.

Instead of constantly bouncing from one thing to the next, always looking for the easiest path or the “next big thing”…

Work on developing your mindset (your success foundation) in a way that allows you to operate effectively at the level that you want to find yourself at.

Read the books, study personal development, use affirmations, get to all of the live events, surround yourself with other winners, distance yourself from the people holding you back…

And do what you have to do to forge the mindset that you have to have…

Because at the end of the day, your external reality will be a DIRECT REFLECTION of your internal belief system.

Work on building the correct mindset, the correct belief system conducive for success, and most importantly the correct foundation mentally to be able to keep it when you get it.

If you start their, and work backwards…

Creating first the correct foundation mentally and creating the correct internal belief system…

It’s only a matter of time until your external reality finds alignment with your internal belief system, and you find yourself creating the success and lifestyle of your wildest dreams.

To the top,

Misha Wilson


P.S. Stay tuned over the next few days, as I have a few more lessons planned out for you, and they’ll be hitting your inbox on a daily basis. 🙂

SUPPORT: If you have a question or comment, contact support at: support@thesuperaffiliatenetwork.com

Disclaimer: I’m a marketer – I sell products. Often, I like to pass along case studies of results from my top achieving members. These illustrations are only for educational purposes and are not intended to serve as a guarantee of success. Success in this business requires hard work, dedication and skill development. Some earn less while some earn much more.

About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.



  • Rochelle Streeter

    Reply Reply April 9, 2019

    I always say seeing is believing

  • Rex Bitac

    Reply Reply April 19, 2019

    Thanks man… Ur awesome

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