Lessons Learned In Doing 10 Million In Sales (Ch 2)…



Hey… 🙂

I hope you got a ton of value out of lesson #1 of our little mini series here.

If you’re behind or missed the first chapter, click here to check it out now on the blog.

As you should know by now, after realizing that I had hit one of my milestone goals in doing over 10 Milliun Dollars in total sales…

I’ve decided to take the next few days to share with you a few of the lessons I’ve learned along the way, and a few of the lessons that I WISH I would have learned earlier.

I promised you that the lessons wouldn’t necessarily be what you WANT to hear, but instead what you NEED to hear…

In lesson #1, we covered the importance of having the right internal mental foundational necessary for creating massive success, and how it’s the single differentiator between the rich and the poor.

In today’s chapter, I want to dive into what I know to be one of the most common mistakes that so many people make, and a mistake that costs people literally years of their life, and tens of thousands of dollars…

That mistake (and lesson #2): Misdiagnosing The Actual Problem

When we get right down to it, at a core level, running a successful business is very simply all about problem solving.

One of the better marketers in the space says that the definition of an entrepreneur is a “Daily Problem Solver”, and from personal experience, he couldn’t be more right.

The truth is that as an entrepreneur, you don’t deal with LESS problems, you deal with WAY MORE problems

And whenever you solve one, another one seems to pop up…

As the age old saying goes, “It’s always something”.

Side-note: For an in depth breakdown of why and how this phenomena occurs, go ahead and google “The Theory Of Constraints“. It’s a rabbit hole, but I’m sure you’ll get a ton of value. 🙂

Now, the good news is that as an entrepreneur, how we can potentially make a BUNCH of muney, is through reframing those problems and instead of looking at them as problems,looking at them as opportunities.

Each problem is an opportunity waiting to be solved.

The bigger the problem is that you solve the more value you’ll bring, and the more you’ll get paid.

But still, when you get right down to it, if we want to make progress on a day to day basis, we have to be able to do 3 things…

  1. Identify the gap between point A and point B (identify where you are, and where you want to go)
  2. Identify the problem that’s holding you back (the actual problem, not the problem that isn’t)
  3. Solve the ACTUAL problem to make measurable progress.

If we get right down to it, if we can consistently execute upon those 3 things…

We can always close the gap from point A and point B, and thus continually make progress.

The BIGGEST issue though that I’ve seen (and fallen prey to in my own personal journey)…

Is forgetting about step 2… or at-least not giving it the time it needs… and consistently focusing instead on solving the problem that isn’t.

In short, we tend to spend WAY too much time solving the problem that isn’t actually the problem, and as a result, even when we do solve the problem, we end up making zero progress.

I deep dive into the lesson in this video…

“6 Pack Abs And Your Businesses Success”

A few examples though…

One which I see my students make all the time, and an example form my own personal experience…

In our Internet Marketing world, people tend to fixate on “traffic” being the issue.

They think they need better traffic, higher quality traffic, cheaper traffic, or any combination of the above, and they spend all of their time trying to figure out how to get more traffic.

On the flip-side, they spend NONE of their time trying to figure out how to setup the right sales process in order to maximize the value of the traffic that they get.

This leads to them CONSTANTLY having low conversions and low sales, no matter how good the traffic may be, but instead of ever focusing on solving the actual problem (they have a terrible sales process)…

They spend all of their time trying to get better, higher quality, cheaper traffic.

They try and solve the problem that isn’t, and even when they end up getting amazing traffic, they still don’t make any progress.

Now a recent example from my own personal experience…

At one point or another we couldn’t seem to crack the code to be able to sell our high ticket premier coaching package over the phone.

We spent literally MONTHS trying EVERYTHING…

  • Changing the offer
  • Changing the sales medium
  • Increasing the urgency and scarcity
  • Changing the sales webinar
  • Changing WHEN they go through the sales webinar
  • Changing the sales scripts for our phone salesman

And the list goes on and on and on.

I spent thousands of dollars on different sales training recourses, and hundreds of hours on trial and error testing, constantly focusing on all of the problems that weren’t actually the problem.

It turns out…

The CORE reason people weren’t taking action and buying, was because we had them TOO involved in our communities and too involved in going through other curriculums of products they had already bought..

As a result, as they were going through the sales process for the higher ticket offer, they were distracted and moving in too many different directions, and getting contradicting advice.

People in the community would be telling them one thing, while our salesman would be telling them another.

All of this lead to massive confusion, and as a result, little if any sales.

The minute we figured out the ACTUAL problem, all we had to do was wait a little while longer to add our customers to our Facebook group, and keep them focused where we needed them…

And the confusion disappeared, our clients gained clarity on why they needed our coaching program, there was no contradicting advice, and conversions sky-rocketed.

That one adjustment took our lead value for that type of buyer from $1,500 to $6,000+… A 4X increase!

Looking back, if I would have just taken the time to gain clarity on what the actual obstacle was…

And then just changed that ONE THING, I wouldn’t have had to bang my head up against the wall and try everything listed above.

In solving the ONE CORE PROBLEM, all of the symptom level issues would have become a non issue, and I would have saved thousands of dollars and literally hundreds of hours…

And I would have made a lot more muney when it comes to monetizing all of our previous leads more effectively.

So remember…

The only three things you need to do to consistently make progress are:

  • Identify the gap between point A and point B (identify where you are, and where you want to go)
  • Identify the problem that’s holding you back (the actual problem, not the problem that isn’t)
  • Solve the ACTUAL problem to make measurable progress.

More often times than not, we get stuck focusing on trying to solve the symptom level problem, vs, the actual core problem, and as a result make ZERO progress.

Spend some serious time getting CLEAR on what the actual problem is, and then solve just that one problem.

You can thank me later when you’re making way more sales, and as a result, making way more muney!

To the top,

Misha Wilson


P.S. Missed chapter 1?

Get caught up here.

Also stay tuned over the next few days, as I have a few more lessons planned out for you, and they’ll be hitting your inbox on a daily basis. 🙂

SUPPORT: If you have a question or comment, contact support at: support@thesuperaffiliatenetwork.com

Disclaimer: I’m a marketer – I sell products. Often, I like to pass along case studies of results from my top achieving members. These illustrations are only for educational purposes and are not intended to serve as a guarantee of success. Success in this business requires hard work, dedication and skill development. Some earn less while some earn much more.

About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.



  • Ray Orr

    Reply Reply April 6, 2019

    Thank you

  • Rochelle Streeter

    Reply Reply April 10, 2019

    Thank you Misha for all that you have done.

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