The “Magic Slot Machine”…

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The “Magic Slot Machine”…

To Get Your Magic Slot Machine Completely “Done For You”… Checkout Elite Marketing Pro Right Here… Now.

Quote Of The Day –

Conversions Quote

The “Magic Slot Machine”…

You’re standing in line in your Casino/Hotel getting ready to checkout and head home…

It’s been a long week in Sin City, and you’re ready to go.

You’ve been a good boy/girl this trip and haven’t spent even a dime on the slots.

But as you patiently, (or not so patiently for that matter) stand in line, you notice an old rusty
looking slot machine…

It doesn’t even look like it should still be in the Casino, and no-one has ventured to put a dime
into it.

It intrigues you, and you’re hooked.

You finish up in line and mosey over to check it out.

Something about it’s renaissance look and antique demeanor is just too much to resist.

You throw in a quarter and pull the lever…



But it returns 50c on your 25c investment.

You put the 50c in and pull the lever and to your pleasant surprise, it returns a dollar.

You put the dollar in, and it returns $2.

You keep putting your profits back in, and it keeps spitting back 2x whatever you put in…

You pinch yourself thinking you may be dreaming… But to your relief… you’re awake and present…

$10 becomes $20, $20 becomes $40, and $40 becomes $80…

In your own right… you’ve hit the jackpot.

Now ask yourself… “how long would you stand in front of that old slot machine and continue to
reinvest your profits and pull that beat up old lever?”

I hope you answered “indefinitely”…

The bad news is that you most definitely WON’T find a slot machine as described in the city of

But the good news is that your Sales Funnel, if setup correctly can be the equivalent of the magic
described above…

For every dollar you invest… you’ll make back $2 (it may not be an immediate ROI… but over time
will be profits)…

The more you invest… the more you profit.

A well built sales funnel… or “Magic Slot Machine” is the single most valuable asset you can have
in your

It’s what will take traffic… and turn it into money… which is in the end, what we’re all after.

In today’s video I break down the exact anatomy of a well built “Affiliate Magic Slot Machine”…
and show you exactly how each component works together to build on each-other…

Did you get value out of today’s video “The “Magic Slot Machine”…”? If so, don’t forget to hit the Facebook and Google + Share buttons, and to leave me a quick comment below!

To Our Mutual Success,

Misha Wilson

Me and Michelle

P.S. Ready To Kick Rejection To The Curb And Explode Your Online Network Marketing Business? Discover The 5 Lies You’ve Been Told About Network Marketing That Are Keeping You Stuck, Struggling, and BROKE… PLUS How To Break Free And Create A Never Ending Stream Of Red-Hot Prospects Ready To Join Your Business TODAY.  Click Here To Find Out How RIGHT NOW! 


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About The Author


Misha Wilson is known as the youngest and fastest growing traffic and conversion expert on the Internet. He's known for his ability to bring hoards of cold traffic to any website he wants, and then convert that traffic into high ticket buyers and a group of loyal fan customers. If you're struggling to either get traffic to your website or convert your traffic into big sales, Misha is your guy.



  • karen Gillingham

    Reply Reply January 14, 2015

    Like what you are saying. I hope I can follow this through.

    • Misha

      Reply Reply January 15, 2015

      Great to hear it helped Karen.

      Let me know if you need any additional help/guidance.


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